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Showing posts from September, 2017


Part of Lathe

some press tools operation


Battery Ignition System

Most of the modern spark-ignition engines use  battery ignition system . The essential components of battery ignition system are a battery, ignition switch, ballast resistor, ignition coil, breaker points, condenser, capacitor distributor and spark plugs. The breaker points, condenser, distributor rotor and the spark advance mechanisms are usually housed in the ignition distribution. The breaker points are actuated by a shaft driven at half engine speed for a four stroke cycle engine. The distributor rotor is directly connected to the same shaft. The system has a primary circuit of low-voltage current and a secondary circuit for the high-voltage circuit. The primary circuit consists of the battery, ammeter, ignition switch, primary coil winding and breaker points. The primary coil winding usually has approximately 240 turns of relatively heavy copper wire wound around the soft iron core of ignition coil. The secondary circuit contains the secondary coil wi...

Classification Of Press Tools Operations related to Sheet metal

1. Classification based on operations performed: 1.Shearing · Piercing · Punching · Perforating · Blanking · Cutting off · Parting off · Notching · Slitting · Lancing 2. Bending · Angle bending · Curling · Forming · Plunging 3.Drawing · Cupping 4.Squeezing · Coining · Embossing · Flattening 2. Classification based on construction: · Simple · Follow or progressive · Combination · Compound Source:   Press Operation Classification  EXPLANATION ACCORDING TO OPERATIONS: 1. Shearing operation:  The shearing operation between a punch and a die is illustrated in Fig. As the punch descends upon the workpiece, the pressure exerted by the punch causes the metal to be deformed plastically in the die. · Piercing:  The piercing is the operation of production of hole in a sheet metal by the punch and the die. The materials punched out to form the hole constitute ...

MECHANICL GURU JI ......1st Post

Mechanical engineering  is the discipline that applies  engineering , physics, and materials science principles to design, analyze, manufacture, and maintain  mechanical  systems. It is the branch of  engineering  that involves the design, production, and operation of machinery.